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Support of a Full Time Nurse/ rewarded grant/ scholarship program-need of food

Sunday, February 20, 2022 12:38 PM | Nicole Waite (Administrator)

Full-Time Nurse Coming Soon!!!

We have two amazing, dedicated women who oversee the health team, Camilla Daly and Debbie Phillips. With much hard work, dedication, zoom meetings, and collaboration with the administration in Haiti, we are thrilled to announce that a full-time nurse will be starting soon. Haiti Scholars can support 3/4 of the salary for a nurse, while the school will help fund the extra 1/4 that is still needed. It is an example of a true partnership. This nurse position is perfect timing because physicals will begin at the end of the month. The nurse will be our needed messenger to share which children require extra support and care. Please keep this project in your prayers. With the generous outpouring of donations, we will support 487 physicals. We never imagined that we would help support so many needed physicals.

We look forward to sharing more about the nurse and physicals soon.

Woo Hoo-Happy Dance!!!

Thank you for voting for Haiti Scholars with Conquest Graphics. We are thrilled to announce that we received a $500 grant, plus 10% off all marketing materials. Getting any donation was a win since we had to get votes in several days before the holidays. Your vote made this happen, thank you

Scholarship Meeting-Our dream to provide a meal a day

This week the scholarship team met on zoom. We had a productive meeting. We learned several of our students enrolled in the tutoring program have missed some days because they have no food to keep them going for the rest of the day. We are working on solving this issue.

We know that many students go to school hungry. A dream since the beginning of Haiti Scholars is to provide a meal a day to the students at the school. It has been an extreme obstacle. We continue to look for ways to support such a project and pray to serve children in much-needed nutritional support this upcoming year. What we know is if children are hungry, they cannot learn.

After school tutoring program: Monday-Thursday. 1-4

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